187 / 53
19th Mar 2014
19th Mar 2014
The trench effect is a combination of circumstances that can rush a fire up an inclined surface. It depends on two well-understood but separate ideas: the Coanda effect from fluid dynamics and the flashover concept from fire dynamics.
effect phenomenon scientific goodtheory seemsacomet bendingfire turk kingscross physics kings


  • Vinayak
    20th Mar 2014
    I saw this yesterday. Thought to myself, "Hmm.. Could this get FP?" Then today while opening TPT, I thought that I might see it there. VOILA! Already upvoted.
  • Sailnir
    20th Mar 2014
    Who cares if it is easy to make it is original and cool and that gets a 1+ from me!
  • Schneumer
    20th Mar 2014
    I think what's happening is, since constant fire makes neg pressure (in TPT at least), this neg pressure is bounces off the coal, so when this pressure meets the lagging pressure behind it, it strenghens it, pulling it even more while on the right the pressure just flies away and dissipates. Since constant fire increases the pressure, it just keeps getting stronger. Perhaps it's just because the coal is absorbing the constantly amplifying neg pressure and basically becomes a weak gpmp.
  • ShadowSaber512
    20th Mar 2014
    I'm mostly upvoting this because of the science behind it not the actual save XD
  • VendettaWaffles
    20th Mar 2014
    This kind of thing happens here in Colorado, when a wildfire will rush up a mountain.
  • Anatol12345
    20th Mar 2014
    What's The Trench Effect?+1
  • niceguy12
    19th Mar 2014
    Oh my.
  • Sylvi
    19th Mar 2014
    It is a real thing. Happened in a UK train station with wooden escalators.
  • coryman
    19th Mar 2014
    I think this is legit, and it's just the spreading of the fire causing an increase in air velocity, which moves the fire, causing it to spread, etc.
  • jklujm
    19th Mar 2014
    Is this a real thing? Because that FIRE picked up some serious speed.