Explosion Judge sentences you to TEST YOUR BOMBS HERE!
@konsole OK, I'll change the BIZS, that is a bit mean of me. The VACU was only meant as a joke, I wasn't expecting many (if any) bombs to get past it.
This is very good, but I've got a thing about the BIZS. A bomb tester should be able to test all bombs, not just the ones that can cool down. Also - VACU?
past 10*
cant get past 9
my awesome virus bomb destroied everything!
@DV-13 Why do you specifically need them to make a bomb tester?
No TTAN and QRTZ. -1
@snowD Yeah. I'm kind.
using the discobomb from protodilan goes through it goes through biz and sh4 but leaves insl and battery intact.. does that count?
@qwertar Cheer up. That's not too bad, my best only gets 6. :)