99 / 17
5th Apr 2014
7th Apr 2014
Was fooling round with some conductors and found this? I think we can all agree on the theorie that there are certain radii on which the outter path is shorter, at least for SPRK. And yes SRANGE (Sorry for bad English, I am German SCHNITZEL XD)
sprk strange useful behavior spark simple


  • Waffle3z
    6th Apr 2014
    the question here is why does the circle on the left not have the same effect?
  • hsemeghini
    6th Apr 2014
    one circle is bigger than the other...
  • ModMark
    6th Apr 2014
    well the ring on the outside is is larger then the one on the inside :P
  • InternationalScince
    6th Apr 2014
    This is what scientists call a shot gun technique discovery, what you do is dump evrything amaginabele together and see what hapenns (dosn't have to be evrything dumped toogether just 2 or 3 things) the main point is to make the discovery then leave it to the pointy heads to figure out just how it works. +1
  • tothemyers
    6th Apr 2014
    ...Well done in discovering this! You must be a real bright spark! (get it? SPRK?)
  • jklujm
    6th Apr 2014
    I can't think of a reason this would happen... (your English is near-perfect!)
  • Dorito_tRF
    5th Apr 2014
    its problibly because the shape is just in the right shape to make the spark have a tiny bit longer than the other one, so it takes a tiny bit of time logner to complete the circle
  • Daniel219
    5th Apr 2014
    That is... wierd. Nice discovery!