can you make a small, compact version? it'd be so epic :) 1+
You can make a small fusion bomb using EXOT, ELEC, PLUT, and DEUT. EXOT+ELEC makes WARP and even more ELEC, EXOT explosion sets off PLUT, PLUT ignites DEUT, DEUT makes a ton of NEUT, NEUT combines with ELEC to make HYDR, and fusion goes from there. I have a few saves of example EXOT bombs if anyone wants to try them.
warp creates elec, that n neut = hygn, that then goes through the fusion process..
Yo ThisIsARandomUser- try it n ehole ;)
Edit: I take it back, this is actually pretty cool, albeit old.
lol ignore it or something yet it is on the fp
i believe that is called rectum squirting or other wise known as "felching".