I saw this thing when i was watching the "Mutant chamber" by Orgich
to all of you say its the particle limit, you are sorely mistaken. the max particle limit is 400,000 particles. the particles present in this save is ~255,000 particles.
fake it works on 60 frames too but i am not sure if its fake
weird, i have 20 fps hardly and lag and its still messed up
I think this happens because when the DEUT explodes, the massive amount of calculations involved doesn't allow the calculations that make the entire chunk of INVS light up at once run to completion, only making little bits of it flicker on and off when the frames update.
I guess it is like with modern games. lower framerate means it takes more time to update everything on the screen. but since powdertoy seems to always update as much as it can in one frame... it seems to have these issues here, where it updates one half in frame 1 and the other half in frame 2.
i believe its to do with pixel updates, where it doesnt quite recognise it until a certain time
but i like it bc that is a hard bug +1
heard about max particles?
I did this a while ago but with a different max particle maker, it also can completely disable most life types, mess up electronics, and put out fires.