3/8/16 v91.0 update - New PSTN feature allow for removal of layered PSTN from ROM and replacement of long PSTN's in the print head.
It will be the LA 2011a, 20 elem 11 deco rev a. one of the 12 filters is a NO Deco option for element color so it is not a color on its own.
I forgot I have to use seperate Mplexers for the deco and elem. they are only reliable when you are calling one output at a time. because they are an "array" if you call 2 diagonal signals you inadvertantly call 4. They are awesome for selecting one out of many. I will make a 3*4(12out) for deco and kill a couple of colors. A 5*4(20out) for elements. thats 16 + 2 control, 64-18=46 for print area instead of the current 40.
Nice Update :)
The next step is to make the ROM reader smaller! Multiplexing can do that :)
I mean more things in the print queue maybe copy paste it there . 3 roms arent so many plus the other 3 from the rom save.Maybe more electronics stuff. BUT i dont complain because they are a bit hard to make.
@AlexSkr. do you mean longer or wider.
I spent 6 hours outside yesterday. now Im good for the year. ;)
i Don't mean to be rude, but go outside and take i deep breath, you probably have forgotten what the sun looks like by now. (+1 for the epic save anyway)
best printer ever ! but i would like to see more rom bands tho. +11!!1!!11!!11
I have successfuly connected an 8*8(64out) multiplexer to the ROM in my prototype save. I actually have more outputs than wifi now. so I am only limited by screen space. 2 bits are for basic functions. I will probably allocate 12 for a 4*8(32out) multiplexer for element and deco selection. that leaves an extra 10 I could add to the image size.