This revolutionary new wall uses ANAR based defensive mechanisms to defeat the Azure Lotus while remaining a very thin, sane wall. I believe this wall is the first of it's kind and one of the most powerful ones in TPT.
not a wall. it's a toxic metals storage... kills everything with molten mercury
try !set type anar merc to see what i mean
however, the WARP tends to go through before the merc has a chance to react.
it's just not ANAR and EQVE, the actual thing that defeats this and almost all fusion bombs is MERC.
GEL can hold things like ANAR
actually most people use bizr instead of anar, i dunno why. honestly anar's only weakness is that cflm burns it. ive learned that mort can also block against the azure mechanism, pste works great too except that it turns into lava.
Sorry, I didn't see your wall. I guess that ANAR has been used many times before then.
you are using the right elements in conjunction though, ttan to block pressure, and pste to combat gbmb. I dont count SING either because, prior to protons my wall (and likely your wall as well) would block the azure mechanism, but with protons colliding it creates sing.
its not the first, my nanite wall incorporates anar in the design to combat fusion. what's really going on is, warp is a gas and anar is a liquid, the gas wants to go through the liquid but cant because its anar.