It is not boiling. It is just CONV converting the water to wtrv.
This is not boiling water. Water boils when it reaches 100 degrees, in which the pressure of the liquied equals the atmospheric pressure, and the water is able to vapourise. This is an effect knwon as evaporation, in which some water particles gain more energy then others, by collisons, and leave the fluid, as a gas.
It's only an effect, there's CONV down below that's converting water into WTRV.
I can't see why it's boiling below 100C
Yeah, it's just the effect.
It isn't boiling because it was EFFECT not copy of REAL water boiling.
The water isn't boiling, it's a f**king CONV that converts water into steam.
why does it boil under the boiling limmit :/