17th Jun 2014
29th Jun 2014
Enjoy :)
It's sem's, He makes actual, honest saves.
you could use an absorb wall at the end as it's technically not a particle. as for whole not sure what else causes that effect but is destructible.
its not copying if they are not the same dummies
@iamdarkness actually quite a few are copied. The most obvious is the centermost one, to the left of the park. The next one three buildings to the left is also a copy, as well as the ones to the far right and the one two right from the park. :P
there not copied i coppyed and pasted the buildings from tanatos's save above them not a single one was the same they are made similar tho but thats not copying
most of these r copy -1
Most of these are copied from City by Tanatos. -1 :(
finally, the dark ages of the FP have ended! something actually GOOD is on it!!
no @qbaphysx
thanks underdog1227