312 / 21
26th Jun 2014
29th Jun 2014
A 0.6 Hz full-fledged WiFi-less 29-bit computer based on photon technology. Rather fast. WARNING: May lag. Note: The first part of the default program does not require input. Press the On button and LightPC will print Pascal's Triangle automatically.
light filt rllytouch photon screen 29bit touchscreen computer processor electronics


  • Makerbrine
    30th Jun 2014
  • mark2222
    30th Jun 2014
    @eeroli Development started immediately after I saw drakide's HD video post, so you can calculate from there.
  • eerolli
    29th Jun 2014
    how long does the builing of this take? im really amazed
  • mark2222
    29th Jun 2014
    @coca_cola if you don't mind waiting a few minutes for the ball to move by a pixel or 15 minutes for the tetris block to fall by a cell, then yes ><
  • coca_cola
    29th Jun 2014
    What about tetris or pong?
  • mark2222
    29th Jun 2014
    @coca_cola Short answer: Operations take 100 frames on average (about 1.5 real life seconds at 60 fps) so it's too slow to run Powder Toy/Crysis but it can play stuff like more or less game, 1D cellular automata etc. Long answer: Read the manual at the forum post for technical details. By the way, has anyone seen the stuff after Pascal's Triangle?
  • coca_cola
    29th Jun 2014
    So you can actually code programs for this, epic! What is the maximum framerate it can create, is it enough for any game?
  • mark2222
    29th Jun 2014
    @coca_cola it actually calculates it through bitshifs and XORs. Check the forum post for the source code.
  • coca_cola
    29th Jun 2014
    Does this computer actually calculate the triangles it draws or does it just read and print them?
  • mark2222
    29th Jun 2014
    @coca_cola Description updated :)