312 / 21
26th Jun 2014
29th Jun 2014
A 0.6 Hz full-fledged WiFi-less 29-bit computer based on photon technology. Rather fast. WARNING: May lag. Note: The first part of the default program does not require input. Press the On button and LightPC will print Pascal's Triangle automatically.
light filt rllytouch photon screen 29bit touchscreen computer processor electronics


  • mark2222
    29th Jun 2014
    @sentinal-5 Yes, it's hex, but the prime finding software does bin-to-dec conversion in code, so the output is actually dec :) Also, TPT has a default FPS cap of 60. To increase it you need to enter "tpt.setfpscap(new_fps_cap)" in the Lua console.
  • sentinal-5
    29th Jun 2014
    *gets (comment too short)
  • sentinal-5
    29th Jun 2014
    @mark2222 oh. XD sorry, i just saw the input went from 0 to F.. isn't that HEX? MY LIFE IS A LIE! lol btw, i'm running TPT on a 5-core, 2.5GHz with 6GB RAM and a x64 OS. i can run crysis on Ultra with no lag whatsoever, but TPT never hets more than 57 FPS for me. ;-;
  • coca_cola
    29th Jun 2014
    Nevermind, I just started the computer :)
  • coca_cola
    29th Jun 2014
    How do you start the program that draws the triangles?
  • mark2222
    29th Jun 2014
    @puhba @ismine pretty sure Powder Toy's performance depends on more factors than just your processor speed, such as other programs running in the background and the amount of available RAM space. Mine is a 2.4 GHz 4 core and it runs fine at 40 fps.
  • ismine
    29th Jun 2014
    Well.. It runs 9.5fps at 2.5Ghz 3core
  • mark2222
    29th Jun 2014
    @cameron908 there IS a powder toy program for it! Check the forum post. But it runs really slow, of course. @puhba runs at 40 fps for me. The lag is mainly due to the screen and stdio, change to smaller ones and it would run faster. @sentinal-5 the primes printed are in dec not hex. @Aloysius1234 no, I don't.
  • cameron908
    29th Jun 2014
    u should make a powder toy program on it #inception
  • puhba
    29th Jun 2014
    Runs at 24 fps for 3.5 GHz 6 core