312 / 21
26th Jun 2014
29th Jun 2014
A 0.6 Hz full-fledged WiFi-less 29-bit computer based on photon technology. Rather fast. WARNING: May lag. Note: The first part of the default program does not require input. Press the On button and LightPC will print Pascal's Triangle automatically.
light filt rllytouch photon screen 29bit touchscreen computer processor electronics


  • unknownkarma
    28th Jun 2014
    Well even that won't work because TPT refuses to use all my computer power.
  • mark2222
    27th Jun 2014
    @mecha-man The clock is only used for relative times, since you would poll the clock twice and find the difference during use. Like your system clock, there is no need to reset it to zero during startup. @Paul99 the only way to "overclock" is to overclock the computer you're using to run Powder Toy with, allowing it to run LightPC at a higher frame rate :)
  • Paul99
    27th Jun 2014
    Is it possible to overclock?
  • mecha-man
    27th Jun 2014
    How come the clock doesn't start at zero?
  • monolith
    27th Jun 2014
    a bit laggy... but cool!
  • mark2222
    27th Jun 2014
    @A_Real_Genius the "0.6 Hz" is instructions per second at 60 fps, not device writes per second. If you trust my measurements, you processor should be 0.47 Hz (see forum post). @bonbonthenoob that's because you sparked the CRAYs. Make sure you spark the cross in the centre of each pixel accurately, and only when the program requests it. @Slimecrusher You don't need to do anything, it prints Pascal's Triangle automatically. If you want to do more with it, read the manual in the forum post.
  • thefoodoo
    27th Jun 2014
    nice work :) +1
  • madscientist101
    27th Jun 2014
    wow really good job
  • Makerbrine
    26th Jun 2014
    wow +1
  • program
    26th Jun 2014
    i knew this was going on FP sometime...