Random Electronics Inventory. A collention of electronic things that could be used to make other things. Maybe. Apart from the logic gates and binary counter, which everyone knows about, everything here was made by me.
Surely logging out and back in again can't take more than a second? Unless you have an uber-long password.
well, im using this account to ake bomb saves, so while i am at it, i review saves too.
*may .
you mas as well log in as program.
I can't verify that
i am the user program, thank you very much.
Sir, you have 1 save: a bomb.
these electronics are basic and a little too big for managing tasks. also, this save doesnt have as much electronics as a usual electronics save. anyway, since you made them by hand, +1
ya know, the m in 'transmitter' really doesn't look like an m, which makes it absolutely hillarious XD
The logic gates are pretty laggy/glitchy.. But other than that cool collection. +1