69 / 8
6th Jul 2014
15th May 2015
Hey. I still love lasers :D removed whol from sign.
maxtemp cray target powerful photons phot revolutionary beam


  • weapon-man
    7th Jul 2014
    maybe make a dcel version ?
  • G-LinuxorU
    6th Jul 2014
    maybe conv(hygn) ?
  • Sandwichlizard
    6th Jul 2014
    I am not satisfied with the proton version. I am going to work on making a cray hygn chamber to do phot-prot conversion the way we usually do. if I use a clne one it sucks heat out of the beam. with cray I can preheat the hygn.
  • Sandwichlizard
    6th Jul 2014
    its OK zak03. someone always votes down eventually.
  • zak03
    6th Jul 2014
    omg a vote down....WHO THE HECK VOTED OWANN
  • zak03
    6th Jul 2014
    niceone sandwich..the idea is great and compact and the outcome is fantasic!
  • Sandwichlizard
    6th Jul 2014
    usually when someone makes a cray laser it looks cheap because they just use the cray default range. I purposefuly limited the cray tmp to 10 so it would operate like a typical pcln laser. the cray is 5 layers thick all making phot at max. if you spark all the cray at once it makes a pulsed beam.
  • G-LinuxorU
    6th Jul 2014
    finally somebody has made a cray laser. i've always wondered why someone wouldn't just cray an energy particle at max temp into the simulation.
  • Schneumer
    6th Jul 2014
    Well it isn't exactly "new"... I've seen another, just in a different format.
  • Korteweg
    6th Jul 2014
    You are the best, no downvotes again! I have always wanted to see a CRAY laser. This makes me remember the old days...