Ver. 7.1.1 - *ACTUALLY* reset text, improved A
You can tell the difference between colours. You put the actual letter in one row, and it's anti-aliasing next to it.
Very cool and well designed. Good job +1
Never mind, there's not much of a problem with all the WIFI. I'm just using PRTI/PRTO for more channels.
I can't put the letterng onto one row because there's no way to tell the difference between the colors. You can only store data as on or off, you can't do different "levels". I will see if there is unneccessary wifi though.
To make it faster, and reducing the need for WIFI, you could encode the letter and their antialiasing into a single line.
I'm not expecting you to do it without WIFI, I'm just not expecting WIFI connected to every last thing in the save. I'va already made a text display without WIFI, I can imagine that by making the GPU bigger, I could replicate this with no WIFI. id:1586055
How do you expect me to build without WIFI? INST would make lag (I would need LOTS of it), and like this it runs fairly fast. I'll work on that anyways, let's see what I can do.
. +0
Tonnes of WIFI...