sweatydog29 in my opinion bubw is bad idea for blood. It just explodes randomly
ill help! I'm working on a respiratory system that uses CO2 as soxygen, and bubw as blood. The BUbw gets boiled, and the co2 and wtrv go into a chamber where they feed plants. Yhe creature exhales oxy and watrv, so it would actually be more of a plant! I could add something that recondenses the watrv and reuses it, but I have yet to upload it. Ill let you know when I do, and maybe you could try to miniaturize it.
Seppokalevi7: joo. sweatydog29: I haven't really worked on it because no-one has actually asked about it. If more people wait for it, then it might even come this year.
CV3 skull is pretty much done, go check here! ID:1711122