59 / 15
10th Aug 2014
10th Aug 2014
No Description provided.
normandie snipers weremember omaha battle attack


  • DragonSky321
    12th Aug 2014
  • DragonSky321
    12th Aug 2014
  • Butcandy47
    12th Aug 2014
    @SupremeDragon5 Yes, and I too have the vast amounts of research as you, for I too play Battlefield 4.
  • Butcandy47
    12th Aug 2014
    Amazing, +1, and, you should probably put a little blood in the barbed wire too.
  • PowderTech1350
    12th Aug 2014
    The German in the pillbox is shooting his comrade.
  • creeperco14
    12th Aug 2014
    Didn't the USS Iowa have something to do with sea assistance during the seige of Omaha?
  • SupremeDragoon5
    12th Aug 2014
    @TheGiantCookie, I would like to point out that, no, China is not the strongest military. They do however possess the most available man power which is what makes them a strong military. However compared to the US they dont stand a chance. What we lack in man power we make up for in our defence budget, naval power, air power, and raw technological superiority. p.s. get rekt
  • TheGiantCookie
    12th Aug 2014
    It is a good save, though maybe put in "least we forget" or something like that, It is good people remember this tragic event, +1
  • TheGiantCookie
    12th Aug 2014
    @Thorium, the only point at which they where strongest was somewhere durin WWII, right now they are 2nd, China currently has the largest and most powerful military.
  • rrr598
    12th Aug 2014
    It' amazing how many people think this is out of a game or a movie! THIS REALLY HAPPENED GUYS!