17th Sep 2014
19th Sep 2014
Uses solid fuel that is designed to burn rapidly. UNPATE: the top Should explode 100% of the time...
@Schneumer: When you get into fuels and which ones work the best, it can take a while. Not to mention nozzel design...
i never really liked rockets, too simple to make.
@Zerosublightning Dude. Gunpowder is a solid. Come on.
love the rocket system though
whats with the mine craft? the explosives don't work.
@sentinal-5: .-. wut...
"solid fuel" There's Gunpowder there .-.
Nothing short of excellent. +1
Didn't make a scratch on the titanium.
@unitmikey7 "ooh! an ominous-looking hole that could go aywhere and you have no idea how deep it is! jump in? i don't see how this could possibly end badly okaay so i'm in some kind of well... OMFG OMFG WTF IS THAT! WTF! AAHHH!! omg omg ok calm down, they're just babies, you're an adult and they're babies, you can do this.. OMG OMG OMG FFUU!!!11!! THERE'S TWO OF THEM OMG OMG! OH GOD A DOOR! PLEASE DON'T LET IT BE LOCKED!!! AAHH RUN FROM THE BABIES! RUN FROM THE BABIES!!! oh... it wasn't locked."