@niceguy12, my 3rd grade teacher was a nurse, and she said that you cant make yourself suffocate. the body will and when i say will, i mean with the strength of 10 Chuck Norris', push the Co2 out and MAKE you breath
spark everything and bye bye space station, and no you wouldnt explode u would die from no oxygen and just have a huge headache.
Nice i like the gas chambers
The pressure you push out with isn't enough to make you explode or expand... But you would still die. The glass wouldnt break, because I would assume it would be special glass. (like what they have on the international space station.)
Acctually, you only expand when, you hold your breath, then you get the bends and suffocate and die, your body would still be intact
you do not explode in 0 pressure, you just expand to about twice your size, your skin is strong enough to stop you from exploding
The atmosphere of earth is heavy, we, humans live in a high pressure, our bodyes, and ''heads'' push with an oposite power to the outside pressure, if the pressure would have been zero, than our heads would have pushed, but would not have an oposing force, so, they would push till explosion. So, yeah, at 0 presure, you make an explosion, at high pressure, you implode . Takeing your helmet off in space would result in your head crack for a second, and than it would stop, because it would freze at teribly low temperatures, it does explode, but not the way you emagine it. So, anyway, you die :D .