I was thinking you are a BOY (O_O)
despite the fact that this took days of work and TOTALLY TRIPLES YOUR BEST SAVE! im disapointed in you :D
redback i am a brony, yes i am, but im the kind that likes people who are organized and smart, i do art and stories, but im not some loonitick who makes those kinds of fanfics, honestly i can accept ranbow factory, cupcakes etc. but many high profile bronies lack the intellect to keep their grudge and know the limits. honeslty theres a difference in pushing limits and just being reckless. those guys expose themselves. but i respect all bronies.
@sentinel as soon as i get your OC ill begin working on a scetch and also SAME! too many bronies use that pony generator which is annoying, which is why i made my own story,
Tails whats your opinion on cloppers? i think they are creepy and weird.
Its called sweat apple masacare.