@987tails w... wh.. where you!? *cries with pride* :') thank you! (btw, i have an OC. his name is BluePrints.. i'll try and draw him then send it to you! :D (i HATE the pony generator)
redback, whatever you just read, that is hell terribal, and sides ill admit that some cloppers will be stupid, were all just a huge community and these noobs are so far exposing us, were just humans along your side, we just like something and your friends turn on you, and now these bozos are making it look worse
Im scared from Big Mac in one FanFic he abducts all the side ponies like scootaloo and does very bad things like abusement, torture and even rape...
yeah you and i did a really good jab, cept for twiley, couldnt find a good element, and also AWESOME!!!
Wow this is great fav and +1!
thanks guys, i was thinkin of making you sentinel in a save as a pony form :P idk just type in FEED and go to chrysalis
damn fine hatching good sir! take my humble upvote.
I like it but dont like it. Still I love it but hate. Lol Lmao I'll give you a well paid -1. Jajajaja Jk here is your +1 you so desirve....Wait no heres that -1...Jajajajaja I fooled you once again heres the +1 no strings attached
This is really sick. I really like it.