420 / 27
10th Nov 2014
10th Nov 2014
Press 4 or 7. If you don't like the spark effects, go to rendering options and disable "Glow effect on sparks".
rocket launch elecronic piston moving realistic space apollo animation pstn


  • fish123
    11th Nov 2014
    this is awesome! fav and upvote! +1010101010
  • Galacticruler
    11th Nov 2014
    Sat V was the largest, and had the most thrust per pound of rocket. More modern rockets are slower but are more fuel efficient. Sat V went WAY over terminal velocity, wasting some fuel.
  • Atomic10
    10th Nov 2014
    A BIT (Sarcasm.) sower than Apollo 11's Saturn V Liftoff stage (11,000 MPH. (The FASTEST vehicle of man kind.), but it's cool! +1! Also, I don't exactly remember if Saturn V was the fastest, but it was something like that.
  • SuperJman
    10th Nov 2014
    very clever my friend!
  • manuel_8080
    10th Nov 2014
    Wow this is really cool, keep doing nice saves like this mate !
  • pkmarci
    10th Nov 2014
    Dah, their name is launch clamps lol. I said "the things that hold the rocket" lolz
  • pkmarci
    10th Nov 2014
    I love the realism in this save! First, NASA has to dig down in the ground to launch the rocket. Second, the things that hold the rocket just teleport, third, the rocket instantly goes full speed ( so speed, much rocket). I LOVE IT! +1
  • Qwert_Yuiop
    10th Nov 2014
    and thanks, people
  • Qwert_Yuiop
    10th Nov 2014
    @HitlerSucks: What's wrong with TWR? Do you think it needs MOAR BOOSTERZ? XD And there are clamps which "fall away" like this.
  • tpt-Plutoniumboy
    10th Nov 2014
    Best rocket launch I've ever seen!