Witness the life and death of a P.T. star with this little fusion chamber. Stars will slightly differ every replay. Last 2-4 min. This was so fun to make. Enjoy! Credit goes to Alfa(id:1683916) and Alexzander(id:1689167) for inpiration of chamber design.
+1 very sick, it went supernova, and leftover residual turned into neutron star with an outward expansion from gas igniting and blowing off residual, and after a while it turns into quasi-star and then into blackhole... very sick
Most of the time, the star goes supernova and collapses into a neutron star, explodes into another nova after a few minutes, and finally collapses into a black hole.
bro it told me i just made molten oxygen..
In my star's final moments it built up oxygen, sparked the map, turned into plasma and bounced around like a cartoon, then faded and collapsed into a black hole
TwT ((((
I misclicked and clicked downvote Tat
i was able to skip to the Phase 3 from the very beginning, somehow, when i added some ammount of prot.
I HAD IT reform It went from a super nova to a ball of o2 then grew grew and black hole :/ but it reformed!
i think if you make it do the cycle over and over again would be great
I managed to create my own star by comining neutrons and electrons for hydrogen, and then I added photons heating the hydrogen up causing it to combust