1469 / 38
14th Dec 2014
31st Mar 2018
Witness the life and death of a P.T. star with this little fusion chamber. Stars will slightly differ every replay. Last 2-4 min. This was so fun to make. Enjoy! Credit goes to Alfa(id:1683916) and Alexzander(id:1689167) for inpiration of chamber design.
fusion cycle star heat life chamber realistic nuclear power reactor


  • lemonmang
    6th Nov 2020
    how do i turn off gravity lensing
  • Haminobita3739
    2nd Nov 2020
    how could a dust can create a star,like i accidenttaly put a dust and it sudden explode
  • wermthewerm
    25th Oct 2020
    If you bombard the star with a LOT of protons, it'll supernova. Bombard it more while it's going supernova (maybe pause and fill up the place with protons) and eventually the pumps and gravity pumps get messed up and the protons and stars kinda just get destroyed
  • Pokemonfanatic102
    17th Oct 2020
    mine supernova'd and formed a tiny neutron star
  • plutoniumfusion
    16th Oct 2020
    Ignite leftover CO2 from supernova by typing "!set temp CO2 9999". It forms new supermassive star.
  • wermthewerm
    8th Oct 2020
    for me the star went big, went supernova after releasing a bunch of oxygen and then became a tiny hot pulsating mass of CO2
  • Ludoki
    28th Sep 2020
    at the end of its life, my star generated loads of O2, then went supernova, then created a little white spot surrounded by C02. when i tried exiting that white spot with explosive, it became a black hole
  • plutoniumfusion
    24th Sep 2020
    omg! the star exploded and formed new one!!
  • KungZacharias
    17th Sep 2020
    my star exploded then receded into a remnant of C02 and OXYG
  • Theplayer123122
    5th Sep 2020
    The 1st run in forever the star went supernova