+Bunborg basically an element that make things go crazy when they go inside of it
My star went supernova, then it actually started over from step 1, going super nova again at the end.
Third time, it became a very large neutron star.
Second time, it did the same thing, but then the ball of CO2 exploded into a neutron star and then collapsed again into a ball of oxygen.
The star exploded and then turned into a ball of C02
Fourth time, the star as ready to dull, but it went to a more massive supergiant...
My star went the first path first, going into an average star and then into a red giant, then formed a planetary nebula and then formed a white dwarf. Second time, it went massive star, then red supergiant and then supernova, and then went to neutron star. Third time, it went the same path as first, but when it was turning to white dwarf, it almost formed another stellar nebula..
My star went supernova twice
Very interesting? Although, can't you just turn on fire view instead of fancy view and turning off black hole warping?