Witness the life and death of a P.T. star with this little fusion chamber. Stars will slightly differ every replay. Last 2-4 min. This was so fun to make. Enjoy! Credit goes to Alfa(id:1683916) and Alexzander(id:1689167) for inpiration of chamber design.
why does it turn into C02 and destroy everything?
YES! I finally Got a white Dwarf!
aeiouman its a white dwarf, it happens sometimes but it is more rare then a black hole or nuetron star
it filled the entire simulation with oxygen and then collapsed
mein became a neutron star
Tip: put virus in it for cool effect on different phases
Um, excuse me but mine turned into an ultra-hot ball of BMTL.
my star had two supernovas :D. i just added lot of NOBLE and slowly added URAN
also creates gravitrons for some reason
i did soem modifcations to it and it went tru its phases all the way to 6 in 8 seconds and now its stuck betwen tree phases first phase big ring of uran and gas can be made of one of these only hydrogen or o2 then its gets unstable one second later it clapses and some of the uran is eaten then it bounses back and fusion restarts slowly over 10 secons then five soncons later the loop commes back around