Note: Computer may go supernova.
This crashed my TPT but great save though +1
congrats! page 15 in all-time best saves!
sians0rkka, I'm sorry. I think I might of misinterpreted your question. If you were asking how I was able to make that happen, I did it using elements PUMP and GPMP to compress the fusion reaction (As inspired by Alfa's and Alexzander's designs), which forced the CO2, which is made during the fusion, to compress at the core and eventually make BHOL (Black Hole).
sians0rkka, you have to wait. It's a process that eventually happens. Usually 2-4 minutes after starting the sim.
Gerretis1, look through the comments and find my short tutorial on how to turn off gravity lensing. there aren't that many comments, so it shouldn't take too long.