I hope you enjoy the celestial show; it's worth the lag. Universe takes roughly 2-4 minutes to fully form and lasts a long time. It differs every replay. Inspired by the Illustris Project. Good music for this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HM9DTgkCTI
My universe exploded out of nowhere, there was a star that its pressure is around 130. And it explode out of nowhere, it lagged my computer out.
how long does it take to see black holes?
I've noticed that there are at least 2 distinct types of long-lived compact objects that form during initial star formation: Luminous yellow stars, and Neutroniferous CO2 stars, which are tiny. They also seem to be prone to causing somewhat dramatic changes by rapid oxygenation events.
A neutron star formed! nearly identical to real ones, the pressure in it was constantly anywhere from 256-1300! I havent observed pressures like that anywhere else in the simulator, the matter in it was amazing, hunderds of thousands of particles within about quarter of a centimeter diameter, made of mostly neutrons and some CO2!
the big freeze, big chill, and the big rip are the same thing
thers a lot of nerds here
omg i love this save :D
HEY ITS NOT THE BIG FREEZE ITS THE BIG CHILL and another BIG RIP AND BIG CRUNCH big crunch is when the universe crunches and the bigh rip is a rip. R.I.P Universe
Could someone help me, when i try to reproduce this by copy and paste, it does not work. Does it need radial gravity, no gravity? What settings does it use
What lag? lol