925 / 35
19th Dec 2014
8th Jul 2019
I hope you enjoy the celestial show; it's worth the lag. Universe takes roughly 2-4 minutes to fully form and lasts a long time. It differs every replay. Inspired by the Illustris Project. Good music for this:
space simulator bigbang universe explosion realistic star fusion matter neblua


  • agustrusher
    24th Dec 2014
    The_Powder_Boy, also, try replaying the save over again. Maybe it was glitched, as you said, when you first ran it.
  • agustrusher
    24th Dec 2014
    The_Powder_Boy, I feel that you're maybe not understanding exactly what is happening, so I urge you to re-read the in-save timeline carefully. It's incredibly accurate if your patient with, and observant of, what is happening. If this is in fact not the case, and what you so carefully described actually happened, well...who knows. Maybe its an omen or something.
  • The_Powder_Boy
    24th Dec 2014
    My universe exploded into a white gas, then super condensed into this yellow-orangeish ball with electrons orbiting it. Then the electrons got sucked into the middle, sat there for about 10 seconds, then exploded and made the entire screen red and turned into some kind of milky way looking thing. I dont know if this is a glitch, but the oxygen turned into liquid oxygen and the entire thing just stopped...?
  • Atomic10
    24th Dec 2014
    agustrusher: It does add to the save! You know what else adds to this save? Lol! This: Listen to the WHOLE thing for it to be effective! Srsly!
  • Atomic10
    24th Dec 2014
    agustrusher: Lol! I didn't see that in the description! I'll try it!
  • agustrusher
    24th Dec 2014
    Atomic10, Yep. Just wait a while. You should also check out the music and run it in the background. It really adds to the save. Enjoy!
  • Atomic10
    24th Dec 2014
    agustrusher: Okay, so I just have to wait.
  • agustrusher
    24th Dec 2014
    For everyone who is confused about what is happening (Atomic and grisha5), read through the in-save guide. It's pretty comprehensive. And yes, according to phase 3, the explosions of yellow photons are suppose to happen (they are the stars being born). The photons flood the screen (it lags slightly), but then it slowly clears out and your universe starts maturing and moving on to the next phases. With that said, thank you for all your positive feedback and enjoy! :D
  • BonyRaptor101
    24th Dec 2014
    Awesome sim, +1
  • jamd315
    24th Dec 2014
    just when I thought the black hole would end it, it exploded and started all over again...