grisha5: Yeah. That happened to me too. Is this intentional? Probably. But whenever that happens to this simulation, the yellow PHOT just keeps coming! Does it die down eventually? Because I havn't seen it end yet.
one of the uranium clumps exploded and flooded the endire screen with yellow photons
Your sims are always amazing+10000000000000
hey i agree with TheExus, and those who say creationists cant be scientists, well most famous scientist where christains. Paisture, Newton, Einstien (Juduist), Samuel Morris,Mathew Muary, Hooke, Da Vinci, Edwards, Charles Bell, etc. The List goes on. There are over 340.
Sorry, meant g-d. Jewish...
Simple, the watcher is g-d :D (or comp...) Is of great feeling
Simple, the watcher is god :D (or comp...) Is of great feeling