I use LT as my Left Mouse Button, RT as my Right Mouse Button, Stick 2 to move the mouse, stick 1 as WASD, A as Space, Y and Start as Escape and Back as E. I play games that don't have official controller support such as Minecraft and Terraria. Shame I couldn't get it to work on Terraria on my Android.
Hey Lizard! I'm using an Xbox 360 controller that I hooked up to my PC and, using a free program called GlovePIE, I can play TPT with it!
Oh, sorry, meant id:1825379
Well, I have the laser, but no way to turn it off. I still haven't figured out how to toggle something on/off...
OK! I'll PM you when I'm ready!
sure. what do you have already?
Ignoring the war, could you strap a laser onto a PSTN crawler for me?