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31st Dec 2014
2nd Jul 2015
This save is a place to leave me a message or ask for help. Or suggest a collaboration.
lizard communication comms home


  • chillinpenguin311
    15th Jul 2015
    Must I unleash upon you the P1 PlanetBuster given to me by (stolen from) my ally NolanSmalls of the OpenShip Alliance?
  • chillinpenguin311
    15th Jul 2015
    I suppose you plan to destroy our reasearch ship (id:1824764) as well?
  • Sandwichlizard
    15th Jul 2015
    Please provide some evidence of this alleged attack. The lizardian office of disgruntled governments will form a comittee and start an investigation in 6 to 12 months. meanwhile (while your world is bing invaded) you may elevate your claim by filing all 127 pages of the official grievance claim form and send them to the department of departments. thankyou.
  • chillinpenguin311
    15th Jul 2015
    Sandwichlizard, your Lizardian forces attempted to claim a planet within the Penguinian Empire's territory. What is the meaning of this?!
  • Sandwichlizard
    8th Jul 2015
    it was a long time ago. I used a screen name wizard to help pick a screen name for an account. It asked a bunch of questions about you and what you like, then spit out 5 generated screen names. That was one of them. I have been using it ever since.
  • Christhebla
    8th Jul 2015
    How did you come up with the name Sandwichlizard?
  • WolfGeek101
    5th Jul 2015
    Thank you, Sandwichlizard, for simply existing. You are awesome, and keep up the good work! :D
  • Sandwichlizard
    2nd Jul 2015
    @ry00001. I would love to.
  • the-gaming-rice
    2nd Jul 2015
    can you look at my new creature design since you've looked at my older one (thank you so much btw) and give me recomendations and tips? id:1812123
  • lostkagamine
    2nd Jul 2015
    Also, can we collab in a project?