HQ City of the Fleet is one of the most important Citys in the Republic. As the City is not on Earth the City is still under construction at some parts. The landscape that city is built on is made by user Pan_Zajebisy. If you see any problems tell me.
WolfXDBlovkland i actualy mixed the Solar Empire from SOASE and the Terran Republic from Planetside.
987tails, indeed, it is quite reminescent of your style, but I do not believe he copied your style. After all, what you call your "building tehnique" is also the most basic medium-sized building type on TPT...
looks like he copied mine and imperatus' building technique. not bad
hey! since it's called the Solar republic and this is the HQ city. I think you should add more solar panels (or I'll do it myself)
Was thinking solar dynstay from pandora first contact game
Solar Republic, eh? Some crossbreed of the NLR with the SE?
my new creation is out be sure to check it out and say what you think of it
It looks better (imo) when the people are a bit more randomly placed, and that way you can just draw lines of mwax and cool it down. +1
new creation coming soon...
but hey, it looks really nice. Even though you "lost a hand" during the largest building.