This beautiful, yet small solar system was the main battleground for the wars of 34' and 46', since it has many planets plentiful in resources. After many heated battles and tugs-of-war between the TU and UKN, the system was left under the TU's control.
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Can i use some of your ships in my creation
Hi, hello +!
Thanks :3
REALLY cool! |1
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However once the Terran Union declared war yet again in 2046 due to unrelated reasons, the colonies began a rebellion and soon were under Terran control yet again. The Kazhars lost the war and were forced to return the colonies back to the TU.
This system was for very long under TU control, however once the wars of 34' struck the Orion Arm, the system shifted sides until it ended up under Terran control. The Kazhars over-took the Terran colonies and burned them to the ground, creating brand-new colonies and enforcing their rule with secret police and propaganda, turning the only habitable planet of system, Monominz into a Big-Brother planet.