and how do you make a prot so powerfull
probably the best size:power bomb in the game
you can use the prop tool or the console to set the x and y coordinates of a particle to be the same as another particle. solids powders and liquids can only go to 5 layers. more than 5 will result in a BHOL. energy particles, like PHOT, PROT, NEUT I do not think have a limit. so you can put a lot of them on one pixel.
Can you take a look at this weapon concept? I don't have the skill to perfect it. ID:1737989
How do you layer elemants? jw...
probably, I made this one from scratch though. its about 55% neut, 40% elec, 5% prot. set temp all to max, set x and y to all be the same. all done while paused of course.
I've seen a save similar to this one...
layering. energy particles can layer deeply.