Good model, but the pilot seat positioning is bad - sorry, but until we can negate inertia (?!), the pilot seat has to face backward - since the ship is decelerating, the pilot would be pushed into the seat. Here, the pilot would be pulled *out* of it.
@Chesvin1 thanks for letting me also an intresting result is to change the INSL to RPEL and the TUNG to TTAN
Seems like its from interstellar also @Chesvin1 is it okay if I copy just the fan and BCLN part since im a noob when it comes down to putting down fans
@Luke4061 Actully, he would also smack his head in the window! posibly shattering it and resulting in this : inovoidable death
Typically in real life ablative heat shields are used. Ablative heat shields are designed to burn up as their used, and are cheaper to manufacture, whilst still keeping the temperature of the cabin more or less under control. If you can make an ablative heat shield, I'll be super impressed.
If this was real, the guy in the seat would be pulled from his chair by the Deceleration G-Forces and smack his head into the front of the cabin. LOL