Original owner was dima-gord. I hope you like my first upload. Plz comment on this. THANK YOU
Painting this was hard, I bet!
you just turned every thing to DMND and panted it
because no one turned on deco and thought I just turned everthing to DMND and sayed it was "absolute crap" and stuff like that
Why have you uploaded this three times?
why all the hateing? I know it is copyed I gave credit and colored(with deco) all the elements and then changed it to dmnd. I spent a ton of time and work on it. Plz be kind to my work and stop hating me.
ThePowderBoy, for me to create this will take less then minute (because i'm know lua, and i've made an element that turns all into bmtl, and saves it's color)
copied, so -1
This is a copy..
the irony, its destructable city indestructable version
well you know that it is a stolen safe? and i know you can use commands for this so... -1 for stealing