2577 / 166
16th Dec 2010
26th Mar 2011
Components may be used without attribution. I object only to the entire save being republished without substantial modifications.
electronic display text screen complex slow useinst eisv improvable prototype


  • LoCoIR
    18th Jul 2014
    awsome!!! its slow to work and there are a coupple glitces when more text is aded to the screen and moves up the text above it. still way better than any thing i can make so i say its awsome
  • sdkesa
    7th Jul 2014
  • JayCore
    1st Jul 2014
    This is really impressive! My only complaint that I can offer, thus far, is that upon advancing the text from the bottom row into the main display, some rogue pixels appear underneath the new line - on the very bottom row. Fix this, and (as far as I can tell) it will be a prime example of TPT typewritery!! <3 :D
  • scream_of_silence
    20th Jun 2014
    nice job.its very interesting and crazy how it works.its nearly perfect but there are some problems with the "Enter" button.if you write a text and press "Enter" the letters are not correct copied.if you fix it,it would be perfect;) (sry for the bad english)
  • SovietunionRu
    8th Jun 2014
    Virtually all Electronics doesn't go that fast yet, it's the birth of an era from technologies in this simulator to start evolving electronics' phases to full OS compabilities.. it's like the times the commodre 64 and Monochrome IBM products starting to better at in the mid 80s. That simulates how compatable by time goes on.
  • GlitchJames
    30th May 2014
    @jacksonmj: Since you deleted all my comments about my logo making place...the people who wanted logos now won't get any.
  • Joshnie
    12th May 2014
    Great Job Making This Awesome Text Display I Love That And Stop Hating This Save Thats Over 3 Years Old
  • poipet02
    11th May 2014
    WOW! Good job!
  • TNTPig1
    5th May 2014
  • Maoman123
    4th May 2014
    Guys, you do realize this came out THREE YEARS ago, right? Stop complaining it's slow.