A shitty Gas Furnace that somehow did hit the frontpage for no actuall reason... It's and very old save i had still so ofcorse it's a waste of time to look at it! i'm Refreshing all 'okay' saves and starting over fresh from now on! -ZAS over and out!
OH, and you can also set the ctype of the piston to an element to prevent it from pushing or pulling that element
You can also remove the wall and set the tmp of piston to the amount of pixels the piston pushes (Aside from the blue pist part). Even though your frame is two blocks wide, you would set the tmp as if it was only pushing the total pixels in one line. I don't know how to better explain it :(
Eh, a save I made consisting entirely of random elements (from console) made it to the front page for 30 minutes earlier today. I like this a lot by the way, but I must say I am only going to use it in real life as much as I use nuclear warheads in real life. In other words, I don't trust it. The tank exploded upon closing the valve when the valve jammed. Still, I like it a lot.
how gas powered camping furnaces can reach fp 0-0 ... just wandering