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27th Jun 2015
30th May 2019
Niels B.v Proudly Presents: The "Photoglower" GLOW Reactor and the "Neutro-gen" Mainsail Engine. All parts are free to use. Update: Fixed photon 'leaking' problem on photoglower MkII.
neutrogen photoglower engine reactor spaceship space ship nielsie645


  • Nielsie645
    7th Apr 2021
    It's because I'm using coal to absorb stray photons before they get turned to neutrons. Sadly neutrons turn coal to flammable wood when they touch, there's no real reason for using coal other than that I like the way it glows when the engine is turned on.
  • Technomancer
    30th May 2019
    Really old technology, but well-made, and the ability to drain the chamber is a nice touch. That engine is really fragile, though!