It seems like the AI checks if you have 2 in a row, and blocks you from winning, and if you don't it just goes in a random space
oh nevermind, it's randomized. Does the AI just pick a random space??
OH! it's not unbeatable! most tic tac toe AIs are. you can win every time by doing: Middle, bottom right, top right, bottom left.
you should add some way for it to handle if the player accidentally clicks a space that's already occupied
the problem with making a tic-tac-toe ai is that it can be made impossible to beat, so... an ai will either always win/tie or lose/win depnding on who's playing. This one doesn't know every move, so it's possible to beat, but it's not hard.
way to easy to win against, still a +1 because of the "AI" :3
Its was soo easy to win and Al fist i will win. +1
It's impossible to lose in tic tac toe, unless you make a mistake.
Looks great on how you make the Al's. =D +1