74 / 7
16th Jul 2015
21st Jul 2015
Need to cool a liquid? This will do that, and pretty quickly. Works well with glow, and lava but don't put anything that can freeze into it or it gets clogged. Update: added heating tubes and heat transfer tube.
frozen freezing cold cell collantcell reactor life tube coolant cooler


  • ChargedCreeper
    20th Jul 2015
    @Sheilakh Those are there for consistency of the look.
  • Schicko
    20th Jul 2015
    my version - id:1826242
  • DayZ20
    20th Jul 2015
    Lol What? I though Dust and Oxygen would burn when it gets so hot O:
  • Sheilakh
    20th Jul 2015
    If you delete the center column of PCLN in the heating tubes it's slightly better, since they aren't producing any life normally.
  • ChargedCreeper
    19th Jul 2015
    Updated the heating tube to use pcln to make the life for faster heating
  • destratus
    19th Jul 2015
    why just WHY!
  • ChargedCreeper
    17th Jul 2015
    jm211, hence why I said free to copy, and am not asking for credit. I made this save as a demonstration of using LIFE to cool, and easy to copy/paste modules.
  • jm211
    17th Jul 2015
    charged creeper, I use these types of tubes, and have for 2 years, so if you see tubes like the transfer, its a simple dmnd lattice structure, and I cant credit you because many before you have made them, also, the cooling tubes, they are so cool, they make me want to eat chili (the country)MUAHHAHAHA
  • Destroyer127
    17th Jul 2015
    stack a few then you can compress DEUT.
  • ChargedCreeper
    17th Jul 2015
    Updated with new tube types for heating and transfer of heat.