Each of the signs represent each super massive black hole. The galaxy is being extremely disrupted by Almnti at the moment.
750 LY per pixel should be alot more resonable. Im gona stick with that.
Well. Its alot smaller now. 1K LY per pixel. Shouldnt be too to bad. Eh i dunno. I dont know scales
I think i made scale rediculous anyway. Just scaled down to 1 pix - 5K
Yes, But this needs some visual :P. I lie to pretend all the galexies are actully gigantic in the cluster. Making reletive size more of a factor. If Galfa is 100, This Ara would be ~25
Ara Zitox is 5 pixels too big, it would be in the forground, not the background.
TinyPixel: Just added your galexy to the background. Its small because its both smaller than this galexy... And quite a distance away from it.
Hegflap and herpflatees where the first 2 to enter.. THe other 3 (other than devactuar) that havnyt been listed here where following soon after. Then devactuar came in at high speed and high mass. The most massive of the 8
And Hetza is a dwarf galexy
The mega galexy is a cluster? Its actully 8 galexies colliding together. Hafla was the oringinal black hole.
well you can add my galaxy to your cluster if you want