36 / 5
12th Aug 2015
14th Oct 2016
Basically what it is is a load of binary counters line up so that in 16 spark cycles you can make any possible combination. The order of inputs from top to bottom is: (1--4, 1) -- (1--4, 8), (5--8, 8) -- (5--8, 1)
concept screen scream bits bytes computer counter television longsigns


  • zaccybot2
    12th Aug 2015
    why thank you! I'l be honest, it was just something I thought of late-well, sort of-last night and I wrote it on a little note on my phone, but I'll have a think about that clear function
  • sentinal-5
    12th Aug 2015
    make a way to clear the screen from any state and you've got yourself a winner! it'd be a very slow display, but you'd only need to store a single value from 1-15 to display each line. you could do it with DLAY meaning you'd have 5 bits stored in a single gate. that's a pretty decent compression rate!
  • zaccybot2
    12th Aug 2015
    Alright nevermind
  • zaccybot2
    12th Aug 2015
    um.. why does it say my save it too large...?
  • zaccybot2
    12th Aug 2015
    I don't quite know, but I think the only reason I was able to make the signs that long was because I was using Feynman's mod to write them.. anybody? Does Feynman's mod increase the maximum sign length?
  • sheepgames
    12th Aug 2015
    know* once*
  • sheepgames
    12th Aug 2015
    i knw how it works :) spark the wire onca a pixel will apear spark the wire again the pixel moves spark again new pixel appears but plz tell how did u make the signs they are very long :o
  • zaccybot2
    12th Aug 2015
    go* (comment too short)
  • zaccybot2
    12th Aug 2015
    Ey people did stuff now, but seriously, if you're having trouble understanding what I meant with all those numbers I can try to explain it better here but I honestly don't know how well that will gi