Calculations as to why black holes have worn down from Hawking radiation and why white dwarfs have cooled to black dwarfs signals this galaxy was born during the big bang, And over TRILLIONS of years, made it here, Somehow the universe hasnt expanded to the point of big rip yet, And based off the lack of dark matter in the galaxy and the way what little dark matter there is has clumped into strange dark-matter stars and such, Signals that the universe pulsates from expansion and contraction.
The tacterians rush toward this object, Teleporting, and useing massive energy to do so from Fleepteetees all the way to Almnti, The ships are basically pure power generators with a quantum-teleporter and a ship factory. They teleport directly to the 5 major objects. The ships instantly start produceing matter concentration ships and colonization ships, At an extremely fast rate.
5 objects appear that strike extreme interest. A PURPLE star, A BLACK star, A green star, A black hole thats on a course to get close to the biggest supermassive black hole and get ripped apart - Yes - A black hole that gets ripped apart, And a Binary system - A black hole with a neutron star getting ripped apart.
Most of the mass seems to be in the form of black holes and neutron stars, But there are stars of varying age everywhere else too - Old stars, White dwarfs, Young stars, Everything you can think of. There appear to be 3 supermassive black holes too, Gravitationally holding the center and near-edges of the main buldge in place, There are also a few Black dwarfs and some have multiple Brown dwarfs orbitting them.
Xeno Drones are appearing from wormholes and scan every single body in this galaxy
(im done changing things now XD)
more simulations reveal that the most likely possibility is for Fleepteetees/AraZitox/Meshorsha/Molofy to survive in a scattered cluser around Galfti
The tacterians are already investigateing the galaxy in depth, And running multiple simulations of the collision on their network of scattered taristan brains.
(Yeah maybe space TPT reborn again)
The only galaxies that will be mostly intact once the collision is done are: Ara Zitox, GSB, Fleepteetees, Molofy, Meshorsha, And Galmnti (the production of the collision) As the tarsistan brain simulated it, and found that they will be flung into a small group of their own, Orbiting tightly with Galmnti, Inside the halo of dark-matter, but not being ripped apart. (Im mostly doing thsi to get rid of non-major galaxies in the RP, and to form a new RP plot to reactivate it)