75 / 10
21st Aug 2015
21st Aug 2015
In any real brain, as two neurons are sparked, the connection between them is strengthened, and so they trigger eachother more and more. The closest I can get to that is using tubes of mercury, which increase in "conductivity" as they're sparked.
network gaussian random neural neverstops neuron brain mercury


  • Kike200
    24th Aug 2015
    Schmolendevice: Wow dude, you are really a pro with neural networks... why dont you make one?
  • Schmolendevice
    24th Aug 2015
    @Demoman200 Ah, so you're up for the actual proper 'inhibitory/excitatory action potential summation' based neural networks and soma simulations, are you? Yeah, I've just been recently looking into the rather well quite simple use of PSCN + ARAY synapses, HWSC somas and TSNS axon hillocks for just that. Trying to create artificial neural networks with 'conducty things' that don't model the real thing is for the most part a waste of time.
  • perogiepro
    24th Aug 2015
    ive used this for my evolution save. we need to improve it so i was wondering if you could help: ID:1844348
  • guus
    24th Aug 2015
    nuked it.. I have problems xD +1 great work
  • boxcarz
    23rd Aug 2015
    *very cool.
  • boxcarz
    23rd Aug 2015
    ver cool. +1
  • GalacticCat
    23rd Aug 2015
    is cool paint all black and view in fancy display just the sparks
  • Demoman200
    23rd Aug 2015
    Pretty interesting! +1 I recommend trying threshold-based models next, they tend to work better for neural networks.
  • Guillian
    22nd Aug 2015
    I made it very compact but pretty unstable: ID:1843445
  • msasterisk
    22nd Aug 2015
    And I never thought of mercury...