75 / 10
21st Aug 2015
21st Aug 2015
In any real brain, as two neurons are sparked, the connection between them is strengthened, and so they trigger eachother more and more. The closest I can get to that is using tubes of mercury, which increase in "conductivity" as they're sparked.
network gaussian random neural neverstops neuron brain mercury


  • Kike200
    22nd Aug 2015
    I made a more compact one: ID:1843013
  • RCAProduction
    21st Aug 2015
    The issue is that they all share the same temperature, because the MERC conducts to the FILT, to the METL. They all become the same temp. Also, when connections stop transmitting, they weaken. I achieved this in my neuron save by using INSL and some PTCT. It was able to form and forget pathways, and had a few "hard wired" sections that were more likely to react that other neurons. For example, the fight or flight would be a similar "hard wiring."
  • explosivepowder
    21st Aug 2015
    And BTW make the tubes longer and use INSL to make it even more realistic.
  • explosivepowder
    21st Aug 2015
    Also, +1
  • explosivepowder
    21st Aug 2015
    I like it. Its sort of realistic too. Now we just need to hook it up with a robot to make a realistic AI.
  • RussiaMan
    21st Aug 2015
    Cool save