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7th Sep 2015
25th Feb 2016
Grentan after the Destroyers.
unpause system


  • explosivepowder
    21st Feb 2016
    The tacterians see the united worlds fleet midway, and tell them it is simply too dangerous, and that they have plenty of regugees on board
  • explosivepowder
    21st Feb 2016
    Soon after most every eularian refugee is out of the system, The wormhole gets sucked into the black hole, A qunatum rift forms, The black hole explodes, Huge surges of radiation come from the area, The quantum rift lets most of the radiation into the other dimention, Whatevers there, is now obliterated by the wormhole as it turns into a catastrophic doomsday laser of pure energy rippleing acrost there entire cosmos.
  • Windspren
    21st Feb 2016
    As the Discovery reaches the system to heed the distress call, I see what is going on and call for the entire United Worlds fleet to help the inhabitants of this system.
  • explosivepowder
    21st Feb 2016
    Many research probes are sent, designed to survive EVERYTHING, They let them fire one projectile, than immedietly quantum tunnle out with information as to what and how the projectile works.
  • explosivepowder
    21st Feb 2016
    One of the ships that entered the other dimention quantum tunnle out, and speed out of the system,It comes with the dimention ID, This allows for any tacterian vessals to go to that dimention, and go to any place IN that dimention
  • explosivepowder
    21st Feb 2016
    While the planets are plumeting toward the hole, The tacterians send in speedsters designed to pick up eularians and escort them to molofy.
  • explosivepowder
    21st Feb 2016
    50 times the original systems mass is quickly reached by the emergancy type condensator, The black hole basically sucks in EVERYTHING.
  • explosivepowder
    21st Feb 2016
    The tacterians call in emergancy backup systems, Mega ships of all types arrive, With cannons that devestate EVERYTHING, All of them focusing on the biggest ship first, One by one, they get picked off. Unfortunitly, EMPS are somehow able to penetrate the antigravity spheres, Causing all the ships to turn on the tacterians, They quickly call in mass condensatio systems that can surround the system and gas cloud, It beings condensing a black hole. A huge black hole.
  • Shuddarun
    21st Feb 2016
    (keep in mind that no matter what this battle with eventually be lost and the system itself destroyed.)
  • Shuddarun
    21st Feb 2016
    Now my space forces are engaging with VERY limited sucsess and they really need backup...