91 / 6
16th Sep 2015
18th Sep 2015
*updated with 5 synapse neurons*My neural grid simulations so far. The right one is a new construct, with improved neurons.
addprot addvirs bagels brain neuron neural grid system biology


  • awesome170
    17th Sep 2015
    I sau super sexy/awesome, +1
  • Karakanlud
    17th Sep 2015
    jeriktelorian: Their merc chambers represent synapses. Normally, they have a slight chance of transmission, but if a neuron sparks another one, their connection is strenghtened, and that pathway will be more likely to transmit the signal. This is (roughly) similar to what happens when real neurons strenghten their connection, which is thought to be the base of learning/memory.
  • jeriktelorian
    17th Sep 2015
    Are these actually "neurons"? It looks like the activity is random. Are they weighted or anything?