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20th Sep 2015
20th Sep 2015
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dyson sphere science


  • TheArchitect
    28th Feb 2016
    Um, what?
  • TheBeastHimself
    26th Feb 2016
    The LSF have already deployed them, but they offer all extra ships to the Tacterians.
  • explosivepowder
    26th Feb 2016
    The tacterians immedietly respond by asking if they could deploy these to aid in responce to the neshorish.
  • TheBeastHimself
    25th Feb 2016
    The LSF reveal their secret about this place, a HUGE army with supershields made of augmented Neutronium. This Sphere was used to power the project.
  • explosivepowder
    25th Feb 2016
    ...and are very carfull with the neshorish they can "control"
  • explosivepowder
    25th Feb 2016
    The tacterians deploy many defence satelites with there most advanced weponary and stealth technology in places in wich the massive ship may have intrest in. Eventully they change there study from the megastructure chunks too the supership - And simulate the supercluster with the ship - This allows them to essensially predict what will happen. However they are shocked to see neshorish all over the place in the future cluster - The tacterians warn everyone about the incoming neshorish invasion...
  • explosivepowder
    25th Feb 2016
    The tacteirians than adhead to these, and ask what they are doing, There reaction depends on the answer. They also let the LSF know that that massive megaship in grentan has escaped, and that its actully one ship in more than 3 dimentions - Because of it being in more than 3 dimentions, it can poke into our dimentions wherever it wants too, and in multiple places - Wich gives the illusion of multiple ships.
  • TheBeastHimself
    24th Feb 2016
    The LSF refuse, saying they're currently using the energy from this power sphere for other things. But they thank the Tacterians for their generous proposal.
  • explosivepowder
    21st Feb 2016
    The tacterians find the sphere, and ask the LSF if they want it to be built into a taristan brain. These are essensially rediculously powerfull supercomputers.
  • TheBeastHimself
    14th Feb 2016
    LSF now controls the sphere, and gains a great technological boost.